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Contas Públicas (RREO, RGF, Balanços e PCA)

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS (RREO and RGF publications)

The Municipality of Cruzeiro do Sul discloses, on this page, information of public interest regarding the administrative, budgetary, financial, equity, accounting and operational management of the institution.​ The constitutional principles, especially that of publicity , and complies with the provisions of Law No. 12,527, of November 18, 2011 (Access to Information Law), and of Complementary Law No. 131, of May 27, 2009, which establishes the transparency procedures on which the dissemination of actions emanating from the government.


Summary Report

of Budget Execution

bimonthly publication

Internal control

Internal Audit Report

voluntary publication


Tax Management Report

Quarterly publication

Fale no Turismo


Prefeitura de Cruzeiro do Sul - Estado do Acre

CNPJ 04.012.548/0001-02

💻Acesso online: SIC | Fale Conosco | Ouvidoria | Portal de Transparência

📱Fone: +55 (68) 3322 - 2169 / 3322-1256 (Responsável Cliciane Lima)

🏢 Rua Madre Adelgundes Becker nº 222, CEP 69.980.000, Miritizal, Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, Brasil.

📅 Segunda a sexta, das 7h às 13h (Fechado aos sábados, domingos e feriados)

📧 Pedidos por meio do sistema Fala.BR (clique aqui)

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